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Foto del escritorDaniel Leal B.

The Regenesis of Sustainability through Regenerative Architecture

Actualizado: 4 oct 2019

1.Rethink and Redesign

1.1 The notion of regeneration

Lyle works to apply the notion of regeneration into the built environment and argues that it is possible to regenerate lost ecosystems. According to him, the notion of regeneration can be summarized as ‘self-renewing.’ He notes that the current human developments replaced the system of nature that provides “endlessly complex network of unique place adapted to local conditions and infinite diversity” with a system that is relatively simple, uniform and generic (1994, p.4). And most importantly, he states that humans have replaced nature’s continual cycling system with one-way linear flows. He sees this as a pattern of degeneration which is “devouring its own sources of sustenance” (1994, p.4). Regenerative cyclic systems try to optimize instead of maximize and they are resilient, while one-way linear systems are brittle. According to Lyle (1994), the issue is not a matter of technology alone. The core is the human relationship with nature. So, he defines regenerative design as “replacing the present linear systems of throughput flows with cyclical flows at sources, consumption centers, and sinks” to change the behavior (1994, p.10). Lastly, he thinks that the notion of regeneration is necessary for sustainability and argues that “in order to be sustainable, the supply systems for energy and materials must be continually self-renewing, or regenerative, in their operation. That is, sustainability requires on-going regeneration” (1994, p.10).

On the other hand, the ‘notion of regeneration’ refers to the idea of ‘rebirth’ or ‘renewal’ and has been variously applied to the built environment. Cole gives the example of the inscription of Henry Hering’s memorial sculpture and its message for the regeneration of the city after its demolition in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. The inscription notes that“from its ashes the people of Chicago caused a new city to rise, imbued with that indomitable spirit and energy by which they have ever been guided” (Cole, 2012a, p. 1). According to Cole, although devastation and declining conditions are not ideal, they may provide a unique time to turn crisis into an opportunity for a better future and may create an atmosphere which is ripe for renewal and initiates rebuilding. Cole bridges this idea with the concept of regenerative design by saying that “regeneration has been garnering increasing interest as a means of reframing green building practices and, carrying with it, qualitatively different and broader connotations than that used previously” (2012a, p. 1). So, the regenerative design paradigm carries some traces and knowledge from green and sustainable design but it also includes new aspirations and opportunities.

1.2 Regenerative Architecture

The notion 'regeneration' simply meaning rebirth or renewal has been applied often to the built environment and communities particularly after a devastating incident (Cole, 2011). However, regeneration has become more popular as a means of reframing green building practices and, carrying with it, qualitatively different and broader connotations.

Regenerative Architecture is the practice of engaging the natural world as the medium for, and generator of the architecture (Littman, 2009) while Regenerative Design is an approach that supports the co-evolution of human and natural systems in a partnered relationship (Cole, 2011). This means that, it is not the building that is ‘regenerated’ in the sense as the self-healing and self-organizing attributes of a living system, but that, it is a way that the action of the building can be a catalyst for positive change within the unique location in which it is situated.

Regenerative architecture is not only a change in process and product, but a change in attitude towards our very relations with our environment (Lyle, 1994). It emphasizes place as a starting point and major focus of design, exploring and understanding the ecological and other systems for the broader region in which the project is situated clearly also offers potential value for design (Cole, 2011)

1.2.1 beyond sustainable architecture

Architecture is defined as 'the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings' (Webster, 2014). This definition of Architecture has contributed to the neglect of the environment as an equal share holder in the eco-system. Buildings co-exist with sites or places; however the definition above does not capture this aspect. A better definition would be 'the art or practice of designing and constructing place, through the integration of site and building' (Littman, 2009).

According to Reed (2006), sustainable architecture is geared towards effectiveness and efficiency meaning ‘doing things better’ rather than ‘doing better things’. Sustainable architecture also relates to the natural understanding of a 'whole system', meaning that as a culture and inhabitants of a planet, a conscious participatory relationship should evolve.

Regeneration is an approach that engages and focuses on the evolution of the whole of the system. By engaging all the key stakeholders and processes of the place the design process builds the capability of people and the ‘more than human’ participants to engage in continuous and healthy relationship through co-evolution. The design process draws from and supports continuous learning through feedback, reflection and dialogue, so that all aspects of the system are an integral part of the process of life in that place.

2.Principles for regenerative architecture

2.1 Hanover Principals

In 2000, at the World Exposition in Hannover Germany, William McDonough who developed a set of principles he called 'The Hannover Principles'. The Hannover Principles prescribe a method for design based on the elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirits and that humans must co-exist with nature. The Hannover Principles describe the innate interdependence that humans have with the natural world including the effects of our designs on the viability of ecosystems. . The principles include:

Insist on rights of humanity and nature to co-exist in a healthy, supportive, diverse and sustainable condition.Recognize interdependence. The elements of human design interact with and depend upon the natural world, with broad and diverse implications at every scale. Expand design considerations to recognizing even distant effects.Respect relationships between spirit and matter. Consider all aspects of human settlement including community, dwelling, industry and trade in terms of existing and evolving connections between spiritual and material consciousness.Accept responsibility for the consequences of design decisions upon human well-being, the viability of natural systems and their right to co-exist.Create safe objects of long-term value. Do not burden future generations with requirements for maintenance or vigilant administration of potential danger due to the careless creation of products, processes or standards.Eliminate the concept of waste. Evaluate and optimize the full life-cycle of products and processes, to approach the state of natural systems, in which there is no waste.Rely on natural energy flows. Human designs should, like the living world, derive their creative forces from perpetual solar income. Incorporate this energy efficiently and safely for responsible use.Understand the limitations of design. No human creation lasts forever and design does not solve all problems. Those who create and plan should practice humility in the face of nature.Treat nature as a model and mentor, not as an inconvenience to be evaded or controlled.

2.2 Cowan-van der Ryn principles of ecological design

Cowan-van der Ryn (2005) also developed a set of principles that are crucial for Regenerative Architecture because they focus on the concept of 'place'. 'The Five Principles of Ecological Design' highlights the importance of knowledge of place and the importance of designing structures that complement the natural world emphasizing the importance of integrating the natural systems and processes in the most fluid manner possible as believed that 'the more seam-less these factors are integrated into the design, the less human activities will detract from the health of nature' (Van Der Ryn,2005). The five principles are:

2.2.1 Solutions Grow From Place

Ecological design begins with the intimate knowledge of a particular place. Therefore, it is small scale and direct, responsive to both local conditions and people. If sensitive to the nuances of place, it can be inhabited without destroying.

2.2.2 Ecological Accounting Informs Design

Tracing the environmental impacts of an existing or proposed designs and apply the information to determine the most ecologically design possibility.

2.2.3 Design with Nature.

Working with living processes and respecting the needs of all species while meeting the human need, this makes engaging in processes of regeneration rather than degeneration become more achievable.

2.2.4 Everyone is a Designer.

Listen to every voice in the design process. No one is participant only or designer only. Everyone is a participant and designer. Value the special knowledge that each person brings. As people work together to heal their places, they also heal themselves.

2.2.5 Make Nature Visible.

Denatured environments ignore valuable needs. Making natural cycles and processes visible bring the designed environment back to life. An effective design will constantly inform and maintain humans as part of and within nature.

2.3 The Todds principles of ecological design

Another set of Principles of Ecological Design was adopted by John and Nancy Jack Todd. Their intention was to create a set of guidelines that would clearly and definitively place nature at the centre of the design process. Their principles focus on nature being the teacher and generator of design. They incorporate architecture, food production and waste management into the principles so as to acknowledge, what they view as the three most important criteria to address in Regenerative and Ecological design. Principles they propose include:

The living world is the matrix for all design.Design should follow, not oppose, the laws of life.Biological equity must determine design.Design must reflect bioregionalism.Projects should be based on renewable energy sources.Design should be sustainable through the integration of living systems.Design should be co evolutionary with the natural world.Building design should help heal the planet.Design should follow a sacred ecology.

2.4 Littman’s principles of regenerative architecture

2.4.1. Whole systems design integration

a. All systems and entities are accounted for and incorporated into the system design

1. Scale is irrelevant. Each entity is equally important as the whole

b. All systems are involved in communities of mutually supportive relationships

1. Each relationship strengthens the whole system

a. Principle of multiplicity

1. Each entity in the system provides support to more than one other entity.

2. Each entity serves more than one function in the system

b. Principle of redundancy

1. Each need in the system is met with more than one solution.

2.4.2. Integration into landscape

a. Analysis of the landscape and its natural elements is the foundation and origin of/for design

b. Dwelling and landscape integration creates a new unit/whole entity

c. The construction of the dwelling unit is naturally artificial or artificially natural.

2.4.3. Intelligent limits

a. Every given program has a minimum required limit, but a potentially infinite maxima.

b. The design reflects natural equilibrium of program

c. Each material and space is potentially maximized and integrated to its fullest potential positive net input into the whole system

2.4.4. Concentration

a. Less is more

b. Each space is accounted for and is necessary.

c. Flexible spaces/programmatic duality

2.4.5. Intelligent construction

a. The system is constructed using natural and artificial processes

b. The construction is designed to maximize material efficiency

c. Each material is implemented to its maximum potential

d. The architectural image is embodied in construction and materiality

e. Prefabrication/rapid prototyping

2.4.6. Bold ecology

a. Ecological systems are regenerative

b. Ecological production provides positive net output

c. Ecology embodies all natural elements and harnesses the artificial

d. The natural is also artificial

e. Energy is transcendent

1. Energy is information

2. Energy is production

f. Ecology is image

2.4.7.. Community

a. Scale is irrelevant to the importance of an entity/group

b. Support for the exchange of experience and social practice is embodied

c. All members of the community are participants in and influencers of the design

2.4.8. Experience of place

a. The image of the place formulates positive experience

b. The experience is driven by clear systemic form

c. The place is experienceable by the individual and by the communities alike.

d. The experience of the place is positive

e. The place describes story

2.4.9. Culture

a. The social history of the place is present in the design

b. The geological history is complimented and preserved

c. All present cultures are constituents of the place

d. Cultural permanence is accommodated

e. The quality of life for all cultures is enhanced by the design and intervention

f. The collective conscious of culture is harnessed

2.5 John Lyle’s strategies for Regenerative Design

1.Letting Nature do the work

2.Considering nature as both model an context

3.Aggregating not isolating

4.Seeking optimum levels for multiple functions, not the maximum or minimum level for anyone,

5.Matching technology to need

6.Using information to replace power

7.Providing multiple pathways

11.Seeking common solutions to disparate problems

12.Managing storage as a key to sustainability

13.Shaping form to guide flow

14.Shaping form to manifest process

15.Prioritize for sustainability.

3.Concepts of Regenerative design and Development

Regenerative design and development advocates that design and construction need to serve the well-being of people, the planet and all living things. In addition, it provides an alternative that is explicitly designed to engage with a living world, concentrating on a co-creative partnership with nature based on strategies of adaptation, resilience and regeneration.

Based on the principles proposed by the different authors the nine key characteristics of Regenerative Design and Development were determined. The intent in this section is to explore what key characteristics of regenerative approaches have been discovered based on the different authors listed above.

3.1 Bringing a New Mind

Shifting the prevailing paradigm from a mechanistic to an ecological world view perspective is central for regenerative design and development. It is necessary to embrace a new way of thinking about how buildings are planned, designed, constructed and operated, as well as the roles of designers and inhabitants in a whole living system. For example, seeing a site as a web of interconnected dynamic processes instead of a collection of things. In addition to that, embracing whole living system thinking is one of the key ideas of an ecological world view which requires changes in behavior to understand the whole system instead of its parts as individuals.

3.2 Co-Evolution

Regenerative design address the dysfunctional human-nature relationship by generating a co-creative partnership with nature. Regenerative approaches require the reconnection of human aspirations and activities with the evolution of natural systems (co- evolution). Regenerative design and development acknowledges that humans are an integral part of nature and have a positive role in the systems. It argues that humans must evolve with nature in a mutually beneficial and partnered way.

3.3 Seeking for Positive Outcomes

Regenerative design and development offers up the idea of seeing a built environment as a catalyst for positive change. It aims to heal and improve the health and vitality of both human communities and other living organisms and systems through design and development.

3.4 Turning Crisis into Opportunity

the predominant atmosphere and narrative of sustainability emphasizes the terms of ‘alarm, pessimism and a depressing possible future’ because of mounting environmental problems. Regenerative approaches offer a positive discourse to move people from fear to hope and encourage collective action to solve problems. Crisis can be an opportunity for renewal and bringing new ideas to the surface. Regenerative design and development offers a wonderful opportunity in this period of change to create an alternative model of development that will lead to a thriving future.

3.5 Re-definig ‘Design’ and the role of Designer

Enhancing life in all its manifestations, human, other species, ecological systems, is a challenging design goal and requires a different kind of design process and team. A regenerative practitioner should design an ecosystem that integrates natural and human living systems. This requires an integrated design process and interdisciplinary team. Integrated design and ecological design are the two supporting and underlying design ways for regenerative design. Ecological design is defined as any form of design that minimizes environmentally destructive impacts by integrating itself with living processes. In addition to that, integrated design process is defined as a discovery process optimizing the elements that comprise all building projects and their relation across increasingly larger fields in the service of efficient and effective use of resources.

3.6 Place as Core and Unique Entity

Regenerative approaches accept and promote place as the primary starting point for design. They emphasizes seeing place as the unique, multilayered network of living systems within a geographic region that results from the complex interactions, through time, of the natural ecology and culture. Every place has its own unique historical, cultural, ecological and economic patterns. Thus, to achieve regeneration, it is necessary to understand these patterns, design for this specific conditions and avoid using template designs.

3.7 Recognizing Values

It is essential to clarify aspirations and values which enables the community to recognize and feel its connections to the natural systems of which they are part of. Recognizing values or stories of place to generate a dialogue is very essential and plays multiple roles. First, it enables people to grasp, share, grow and evolve in harmony with place. Second, stories can be used as powerful agents of change. Third, discovering the story of a place provides greater intelligence about how humans can then align themselves with living systems to the benefit of all.

3.8 Exploring New Boundaries

A building is a system situated in larger ecological and social systems that it influences in some way, but its also influenced by. Understanding and exploring the broader region in which the project is situated offers potential value. Regenerative development cannot exist in isolation from their larger surrounding contexts and requires understanding ecosystem services at a larger scale.

3.9 Acknowledging a new Time Frame

Regenerative design and development is about an ongoing process of learning and getting feedback in this process. it is critical that the development of system complexity, and ongoing feedback and dialogue processes are allowed, so that the development evolves over long time periods. Regenerative design and development does not end with the delivery of final drawings and approvals and construction. If creating culture of co-evolution succeeds, the regenerative capacity of a project may prevail through time by ther integration of people who inhabit and manage it.

4.Categories of Regenerative design

4.1 Energy: The Heart of the Matter

As the industrial era falters, we can see emerging fragments of a new regenerative pattern of energy flow. While the details are far from clear, it seems certain that the new pattern will have to be based on continuously self-renewing sources. As John Lyle Mentions, It will thus be a shift toward use of energy income rather than energy capital.

4.2 Water: Going with the Flow

We face the challenge of providing for human needs while at the same time providing for the needs of other species and maintaining the healthy and sustainable functioning of the system. While industrial systems of water control rely on pumps and other mechanical devices, regenerative systems rely mostly on landform, soil, plants, and biological processes. Water flow and energy flow are inseparable. If carefully fitted to topography and soil, inexpensive landform alterations can serve to guide or slow the flow of water with little or no energy cost.

4.3 Habitat: Shelter and Ecological Processes

Achieving regenerative human habitat will require fundamental change in the way we think about design. There are important implications for the basic environmental relationships that establish equilibrium in our lives. Since most of us live our lives in and around buildings, many of our interactions with the environment are determined by the design of buildings and cities. If these interactions present us with false impressions of the world, impressions that exclude natural processes and include only an artificial environment, then our relationship with the world is stunted.

4.4 Growth: Diversity of Agro-ecosystems

The structures of natural ecosystems involve groups of plants and animals growing together in close proximity, forming communities held together by complex interactions among species. Each species helps to provide for the needs of the others. The diversity of species and the network of interactions contribute to the health, stability, and longevity of the community as a whole.

Regenerative systems can thrive in a number of contexts where industrial technology cannot. Context is vary important as it determines what system will work in a given setting, and these are endlessly diverse.

4.5 Waste: Degeneration to Regeneration

The industrial economies highly emphasis on productivity, which necessarily results in large volumes of waste. Given that the capacity of any environment, land or water, to assimilate waste is limited, large quantities create a basic conflict. Regenerative design applies different strategies to increase the assimilative capacity of land and water. At the same time, thoughtful design can make more land available by multiple functions. That is, land used for processing wastes can often be used also for other purposes. However, these strategies can accomplish only so much. Regenerative goals make it clear that the volume of waste to be processed should be limited by the capacity of the environment to assimilate it.

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